What a season….

May 2, 2009 - Leave a Response

Newcastle Utd is at the bottom three of the EPL (while this article (is this an article?hahaha…) was written) meanwhile FC Bayern is at the second runners-up position (3rd place la tu…) of Bundesliga Div 1.

This is totally frustrating not only for the players and the managers, but the whole system !(Is it the whole system?hehehe) Including me, the true supporter of the two clubs.

But, I know…the dawn of the new era will be coming soon.

Menulis Nota di Betis….

May 2, 2009 - Leave a Response

Sepanjang aku bergelar seorang pelajar dalam konteks formal (untuk aku, setiap hari kita adalah pelajar kerana kita belajar pelbagai benda setiap hari) yang aku tahu benda yg digunakan untuk menulis nota ialah buku, kertas, Word (yg dlm pc tu) tapi aku belum pernah mendengar nota yg ditulis di betis. INI PENEMUAN BARU!!!

Minggu lepas aku mengawasi peperiksaan final di tempat aku…sedang bersembang-sembang dengan Kak Mah, dia memecahkan suasana dengan ungkapan “nampak tak student cute tuh…?Tadi akak tangkap dia tulis nota di betis!!!”

Aku pun WOW!!!

Bermulut Manis…Gaya UK

October 30, 2008 - Leave a Response


Apakah perkara paling penting bila berkomunikasi? Ye..ye..betul la tu mesti ada bahasa yg boleh difahami, ada benda atau maksud yg nak dicakap, lagi lagi…YANG PENTING MULUT MESTI MANIS.

Cuba kita perhatikan, mat dan minah Saleh di UK ni, mulut mereka memang manis…dengar memang best, pandai betul berdiplomasi..hehe. Bukan hendak cakap mereka berpura-pura, tapi kadang-kadang kita boleh fikir “eh, ye ye je mat Saleh ni cakap bagus”….so bila kita terfikir macam tu maknanya HAH! Mungkin kata-kata dia tadi sebagai bermulut manis.

Jom, cuba ingat sejarah..bukan sejarah percintaan, tapi sejarah Malaysia. So negeri-negeri Melayu dulu kan dijajah, Sultan dan pembesar dengan mudah terpedaya dengan…DENGAN APA? Dengan pujukan Mat Saleh…itulah kekuatan mulut manis.

Disebabkan itu, aku telah mula mempelajari ciri-ciri mulut manis British…hehehe. Setelah dipraktikan ternyata sungguh berkesan! Aku hendak melihat dalam masa 10 tahun, polisi mulut manis ni akan membawa kesan yg bagaimana, ‘desirable’ or ‘vice versa’.

Pounds, EPL & ‘signature’

October 18, 2008 - Leave a Response

I still remember while I was in Malaysia, every nite during the weekends, surely I will plant myself in front of the tv to watch the so dubbed as the femes football league in the world, the EPL.

But then, on 4th Oct…yahooo!!!! Finally I got the opportunity to watch the game, live…to feel the surrounding (which was cold..very very cold) here, in the English Land to watch the English League. So the match that I watched was Sunderland against Arsenal, at the Stadium of Light. We (since the small convoy led by Abg Zul Hasan, Abg Amir, Abg Zul’s relative..x igt nama dahh and me) went there after the Zuhr prayer.

So, first time entering the stadium, fuiyyoo…quite nice and cute the condition in the Stadium of Light. From the roof seating (or corner seating) we can see the view very clear and satisfactory. So, the game went on smoothly, meanwhile abg Zul has been reminded not to record the game via his sophisticated video camera (since Malaysian is very well known with stubborness…he still recording the game secretly..hehehe). So, first half was 0-0. Then, second half begun and Sunderland scored the 1st goal!!!…Yahoo…Arsenal kalah!!!…bestnya..

But, the wiseman once said “good team will find their way in the end”…so did Arsenal as they managed to equalised in the dying minutes and the game ended 1-1. Overall, I was satisfied, since I can see the game clearly, and I must tell you that I got the Kolo Toure’s signature after the game. Hehehehe…best ooo….even though I`m not the Arsenal fan, but to have his signature is a great feeling.

So, what is my sacrifice for the game?

  • I can’t celebrate when Arsenal scored since I am in the middle of Sunderland aka The Black Cat supporters.
  • 28 pounds…gone after 90 minutes (plus 4minutes additional time).
  • I have to seat patiently in the cold condition (lucky abg Amir lent me gloves)

But, I am looking forward to see other mathces in the future…If I got $ lahh, of course meh~

Berhari Raya di Durham

October 17, 2008 - Leave a Response

raya di bowburn

Takbir raya bersahut-sahutan, yeke? Mane ade…dalam kepala aku jer benda tuh berlaku, teringat suasana di Malaysia.

Emm..aku jangkakan raya kali ini aku mesti menangis sebab pertama kali di perantauan (real punye perantauan..bukan merantau dalam Malaysia tapi ke UK). So, pagi raya aku menumpang abg Amir dan family ke Ustinov College untuk solat hari raya. Duit raya tidak ada, so aku bagilah Harris (anak abg Amir) coklat raya. Yang penting maksudnya tercapai iaitu membawa kegembiraan kepada kanak-kanak di pagi raya.lawa tak baju raya ni?mestila sebab buah hati hadiahkan

Selepas solat raya dengan dendangan takbir raya Pak Arab yang tak pernah habis (sebab diorang tak ingat zikir takbir sampai abis…sighs), aku pun bersama-sama warga Melayu Durham yang lain meraikan hari raya di Bowburn Community Center. Emm, overall sungguh meriah! Selain berhari raya, adalah juga perkara serius yang berlaku iaitu pelantikan penghulu baru yang dimenangi oleh Ustaz Hilmi setelah melalui satu pertandingan yang sengit. Ustaz Hilmi pastinya mampu mengemudi Durham_my ke peringkat yang lebih mantap!Caya abg Hilmi…

Emm, aku ni mana reti masak, cuba cek kat dapur barang masakan aku, bawang pun takda tau!hahaha…macamne lah ada orang boleh masak tanpa bawang kan?Emm..aku pun pelik dengan diri aku sendiri. Oleh kerana ketidakmahiran aku memasak, aku pun membawa kuih raya pemberian buah hatiku tersayang. Sayangku Faridah menghantar sebekas kuih Almond London (50biji..tapi semasa bawak ke majlis tu dah tinggal 49,hehehe..). Mula-mula tu macam nak bawak sikit je, tetapi bila fikir balik…”aku ni dah la tak buat open house”, “asik datang bawak perut je bila jamuan”…jadi aku pun memutuskan untuk membawa kuih itu bagi juadah semua orang, lagi pun Faridahku cakap “takpelah, bawak je semua,nanti balik saya buatkan awak lagi banyak”…ehehehe, sayangnya pada kekasihku sorang ni. Dipendekkan cerita, habislah kuah raya ku dimakan.

Emm…di hari raya ini, aku rasa baju Melayu paling best sekali pernah aku pakai ialah semasa berhari raya di sini. Kenapa? sebabnya kain baju tu dipilih oleh buah hatiku, kemudian dipos oleh buah hatiku dan tiba satu hari sebelum raya!

Faridahku, terima kasih ye awak atas segalanya 🙂

Scotland…and the Scots Emulsion

June 17, 2008 - Leave a Response

The Border StoneGotcha!!!!….hahaha, to be honest…I dunno what is the relationship between Scots Emulsion with Scotland, hihihi..

Anyway, I really find Scotland is a beautiful place, bear in mind that I only visited Edinburgh. Along the journey from Durham to Edinburgh was quite pleasant. Approaching the Land of Scottish, the view become more beautiful, sunny and very very European! I know UK is belongs to European continent, but then…I find that UK is a bit gloomy compared to Germany. However, when I came to Scotland, then I realized that I can find a similar place like Munich, here in Scotland.ice-cream at 99p?in your dreams

There was one funny thing happened. We were thirsty at that time (though the weather is a bit cold and windy). So we wanted to buy ice-creams as it looked delicious and appealing. The advertisement board showed it as ‘Flake99’. So, we were suprised to see the ice-cream as cheap as 99p. Thus, abg Nik dengan selamba kataknya meminta the cone ice-cream and gave out a pound coin as payment…hahaha, actually, Flake99 is the name of the ice-cream and the price is 2pounds. So end up we paid 6pounds for 3 cones…

In a nutshell, Edinburgh is an attractive place, and worthwhile to visit.

 View near the Scotland-England border

Find Your Luck at Bishop Auckland

May 5, 2008 - Leave a Response

I went to Bishop Auckland last week ( 27/4/2008 ) with my friend, a new comer to Durham, Lutfi. There is no specific purpose to go there except for wasting our time and money…HELLO!!! The money is denominated in POUND yerr..!!!haha..it is not a cheap currency, bear in mind please…hahaha.

So, the journey by train kindda ridiculous in the sense that if you go there by taking road transportations like bus, taxi etc..the journey should be much simpler and straight forward. However, if you feel that you don’t have anything to do and your pocket kindda thick with monies, then train is the best method for you..hahaha. By boarding a train, you have to stop at Darlington first, before taking another train to Bishop Auckland. Anyway, it was a good experience since I can drop by at Darlington and snapped a pic there. Do u know where the name Darlington is coming from? See..you don’t know..so allow me to tell you the meaning of Darlington. Darlington means a place whereby many darlings come down to stop for a while before continuing their journey to Bishop Auckland. Is it true??? No of course not!haha…

So, to make it shorter, Bishop Auckland is really a nice place with the scenery of country side. For me, it is really a typical English ‘kampung’ with sheeps, tiny roads, compressed buildings located in the heart of the town, a unique church design and if you are lucky, you can see boys handling horse cart. I saw them last week, means that I am a lucky guy.

Apart from that, I do enjoy talking with the gate keeper of the Roman Bath. He was really a nice guy with a typical English jokes. Amongst the topics that were chatted was football.

Me:…So what is your favorite football club then..?

The guy: Should I tell you…err..(with cynical way of staring)

Me: Yes, please. I would like to know…

The guy: I’m from Manchester…guess you should know then..

Me:Ohh..ic..err by the way…yo got two teams there….

The guy:Ohh no no…there is only 1 team in Manchester and the other one is amateur..(haha..this guy is really MU hardcore supporter).


The guy:What’s yours then..?

Me:I only like 2 teams…In Germany it is Bayern Munich…(then the guy sunddenly interfere)

The guy:What a shame…what a shame…haha

Me:Hahaha….While in England I like Newcastle United…

The guy:Ohh…what a shame again..what a shame…haha

Me: (This guy is really getting tougher lahh)..Haha.by the way NU is picking up good results recently. And I know that NU is often dubbed as ‘sleeping giant’…

The guy:Sleeping Giant??? Then when it going to wake up then…hahaha

Me:Haahaha….(I can’t hold anymore..I must respond to his cynical jokes). By the way, what it the recent MU result yaa..?

The guy:OOhh…he’s really knows everything…hahaha (he was talking and nodding to Lutfi)

Me:Yess….(padan muka ko..FYI, MU kalah dengan Chelsea hari tu 2-1)..hahahaha


Durham; The Land of Prince Bishop…

February 25, 2008 - Leave a Response
Nama “Durham” berasal dari perkataan Inggeris klasik yang berbunyi “dun-holm”, yang bermaksud “hill-island” (Wikipedia Jan 26, 2008). Durham juga tempat terletaknya Durham University (salah satu universiti tertua dan terulung di UK dan Eropah), gereja seni bina Norman dan kota lama. Secara sepintas lalu, Durham ialah sebuah bandar kecil yang mengekalkan ciri-ciri lama dan kehidupan tradisi masyarakat Inggeris.
Bandar besar yang terletak berhampiran Durham ialah Sunderland dan Newcastle. “The two great rivals in the English Premier League”. Sistem pengangkutan yang cekap sememangnya patut diteladani di Malaysia. Rangkaian kereta api laju yang menghubungi Durham dengan kawasan sekitarnya kelihatan sempurna dan sekiranya kereta api menghadapai masalah, perkidmatan “shuttle bus” disediakan dengan cepat. Di samping itu, kekerapan bas yang melalui kawasan penempatan awam juga pada tahap yang baik. Dikatakan perbezaan masa yang tercatat di dalam jadual dengan keadaan sebenar adalah hanya 1-2 minit sahaja. Selain itu, masyarakat di sini juga gemar menggunakan pengangkutan awam, mungkin kerana kawasan meletak kereta yang terhad, di samping sistem pengangkutan awam yang baik menjadi pemangkin kepada tabiat baik ini.

Kedai makanan halal agak terhad atau sukar didapati di sini. Kebiasannya, masyarakat Islam terutamanya golongan Melayu Malaysia yang tinggal di sini akan berkunjung ke Newcastle untuk membeli stok keperluan makanan dan keperluan yang lain dalam kuantiti yang besar. Kebanyakan masyarakat Melayu tinggal di kawasan Bowburn, sekitar 3-4km dari Durham University.
Walau bagaimanapun, tahap kebersihan di sini tidaklah seperti yang difikirkan oleh sesetengah kita yang belum pernah berkunjung ke sini. Sampah boleh dijumpai di tempat-tempat tersorok di sekitar tebing sungai dan di lereng bukit menghala ke stesen kereta api. Sesetengah tempat di Melaka lebih bersih dari kawasan di sini. Namun, ini hanyalah kes terpencil. Seperti kata seorang kawan, “Geordie memang macam ini. Engkau kena pergi London dulu…”. Mungkin kata-katanya benar.

Perkara Paling Sukar di UK…

February 25, 2008 - Leave a Response
*Halal Foods? No.
*Accommodation? No.
*Racism? No.
*Sexy women? Obviously No.
*Finding the direction for solah (qiblah)? No.
*Finding Malaysian here? No.Then, what is it…???

*The ‘requirement’ to bring water in bottles for your nature calls. That is the most difficult part, for me…hehehe.

Mat Saleh yg Generous….

February 25, 2008 - Leave a Response
Satu benda yg ‘best’ di sini ialah; kebanyakan aktiviti mereka sentiasa ada duit sebagai sagu hati atau upah penat lelah.Sekiranya anda berminat menjadi ‘subject experiment’ seperti ‘focus group’, university akan membayar anda minimum 5 pounds and maximum 10 pounds per 1-2 hours.

Sekiranya anda hendak menjadi ‘invigilator’, anda mungkin dapat sebanyak 40 pounds per 1 sesi peperiksaan. Sekiranya anda gila duit, jadila invigilator untuk 2 sesi penuh dan memiliki 80 pounds sehari. Kebiasaannya peperiksaan akan berlangsung sehingga 3 minggu.

Daripada mana mereka dapat sebanyak itu? Daripada duit kami la yang membayar beribu pounds setiap sesi semester lee…. Hahaha…’such a small world’.